Stability Through Life Changes (part 3)
By Tim Angles | 4/30/2020

In your current life experience which of the following questions have you been asking:


“Why is this happening?”


“What do I need to learn?”


There is a saying that “nothing is consistent but change”

Every change or life transition we go through can be an opportunity for us to grow.

The apostle Paul talked about this in Phil 4:12 -13

“I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situationI can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

Paul understood the important concept that God is more interested in what’s happening IN us more than what’s happening AROUND us.

Whatever life circumstance we go through we can choose to be a victim or a victor.

We can choose to either be resentful about our situation or learn and grow through our situation.

As you think about your current circumstance, which will you choose?