By Tim Angles | 5/21/2020

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" 

That is a question asked by Paul in Romans 8:31.  Maybe it is a question we should ask ourselves more often.  

It's easy to think that God is for us when life is going just as we hoped it would.  But that is often times not our experience.

This Sunday we will be introducing a new song in our worship time called "The Blessing".

It is a song reminding us that God is FOR US and wants to BLESS US.  

No matter what we are going through, GOD IS FOR US!

Even when we don't love and trust God as we should, GOD IS FOR US!

Even when we lose our temper with our children, GOD IS FOR US!

Even when we speak harshly to our spouse, GOD IS FOR US!

There is nothing we can do to make God love us less, and there is nothing we can do to make God love us more!

I Encourage you to watch the following song and reflect on how much God love YOU!